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City Life
From Oct. 4  through Oct. 11, local home builders and hundreds of volunteers will construct 10 homes as part of Habitat for Humanity’s Home Builders Blitz at 3174 Pine Creek Loop in the city of Bessemer’s Windsor Park area. Home Builders Blitz participants are AGH Homes, Inc, Bluestone Building, LLC, Compass Home Builders & MRM Home Concepts, Drake Homes, Habitat for Humanity Greater Birmingham, Harris Doyle Homes, Inc, J. Wright Building Company, Mareno Home Builders, LLC, Murphy Home Builders, LLC, and Taylor Burton Company. “These builders and event supporters have planned for months to make their participation in the Home Builders Blitz possible because they believe it will make a lasting impact for the families and the great city of Bessemer,” says Charles Moore, president and CEO of Habitat for Humanity Greater Birmingham. “So it was a special moment when the builders met the home buyers who shared what they were most looking forward to about owning their own home — for some it’s safety, for others it’s having their own home which can serve as a strong foundation for their family.” “We’re pleased to partner and support Habitat for Humanity of Greater Birmingham on this initiative,” said Bessemer Mayor Kenneth Gulley. “This is the first time Habitat has had a blitz in the city of Bessemer. We’re excited about the new residents and new homes, as this is another example of the progress being made in our city.” Approved Habitat applicants purchase their homes with no interest, complete homeowner education workshops, and give 300 hours of volunteer time to Habitat. The estimated hard cost for one home is $85,000. In just one week, this year’s Blitz will be the equivalent of an investment in Bessemer of $850,000 and thousands of hours of volunteer time. Home Builders Blitz is held annually. If you or your business are interested in volunteering, visit habitatbirmingham.org/volunteer. Home Builders Blitz Schedule Thur, 10/4 – 7:30 am – 4 pm                 Framing (Groundbreaking ceremony, 7:30 am) Fri, 10/5 – 7:30 am – 4 pm                       Roofing Sat, 10/6 – 7:30 am – 4 pm                       Insulation and drywall installation Mon, 10/8 – 7:30 am – 4 pm                    Carpentry, exterior and interior painting Tue, 10/9 – 7:30 am – 4 pm                     Carpet and vinyl installation Wed, 10/10 – 7:30 am – 4 pm                 Landscaping Thur, 10/11 – 12 pm                                 Dedication and Key Presentation Ceremony About Habitat for Humanity Greater Birmingham Established in 1987, Habitat for Humanity Greater Birmingham is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry serving Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair and Walker Counties. The organization is dedicated to making quality, affordable housing solutions available to low-income families. Habitat Birmingham is ranked in the top 10 among more than 1,400 Habitat affiliates in the United States. habitatbirmingham.org

Bessemer’s first-ever safe room is on the way. The Bessemer City Council on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2018 authorized Mayor Kenneth Gulley to enter into a contract with Coston General Contractors for the construction of a Community Safe Room and an Emergency Operations Center E911 safe room in the event of inclement weather. The safe room will be built at the Bessemer Police Department’s Emergency Operations Center at 651 Ninth Avenue  SW. Construction should begin in about 60 days. The project is expected to cost about $579,000. Seventy-five percent of the cost for the community safe room will come from funding provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA. The remaining 25 percent of the safe room cost and the entire cost for EOC safe room project will come from the city’s E911 fund. The safe room is the first in Bessemer, but city officials are hopeful of constructing others. Mayor Kenneth Gulley said he would like to identify sources of funding to build other safe rooms in other parts of Bessemer. The city has been hit by tornadoes in the past, the most recent storms being the EF2 storm of 2014 and the storm that damaged houses in Greenwood in 2016. The safe room at the EOC location will hold up to 100 people, but could hold more if needed, said city engineer Ron Gilbert. The E911 safe room will hold police and fire emergency operations in the event of damage to the main EOC building. Mayor Gulley said the community safe room can also serve as a warming station in the event of extreme cold weather in the city and a conference room. “We’re excited to start construction on the city’s first storm shelter,” Gulley said. “Currently, when we have inclement weather, we have no place for our residents to shelter. This will finally provide that shelter for our residents and provide a safe place for our emergency personnel so that they can continue working as well.” In other action during the meeting, the Council approved an agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a Feasibility Phase Study on the Valley Creek Watershed. The study will look at ways to alleviate flooding in the watershed, such as the flooding in Bessemer’s Pipe Shop Community. The study is expected to last three years and public participation will be conducted by the Corp of Engineers. The study will be paid for entirely with federal funding. The city has currently set aside funding in the general budget to assist with a buy-out program for homes in the flood zoned areas of Pipe Shop. Mayor Gulley said he wants the program to continue in spite of the study efforts. The Council also authorized the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Video Industrial Services, Inc. for repairs to a damaged culvert along Greenmoor Drive.

  Say goodbye to summer and hello to Alabama Splash Adventure’s 1st Annual Fall Festival!

Alabama Splash Adventure will turn the amusement ride section into a festive fall playground every Saturday and Sunday in October from 12-6pm. Expect a day of family fun that will include full access to over 15 amusement park rides, fall themed activities including hay rides, corn maze, pumpkin art, candied apples, and much more! Be sure to leave your bathing suit at home because the Water Park will be closed during the Fall Festival.

Different events will be featured every weekend inside the park including free unlimited Pepsi drinks and free parking. A Car Show will kick off the first weekend in October that will include a variety of classic, antique, custom, and race cars. Arts and Craft Show will be October 13th and 14th. Local live music acts will be performing October 20th & 21st n the Pepsi Amphitheater. Halloween High Dive Show October 27th and 28th will include 75 feet high dives. Expect fun for the entire family!

 Season Passes for 2018 and 2019 are valid for entry. General Admission tickets can be purchased at the front gate or online at www.AlabamaSplash.com 2 and under are free.

Owners of Alabama Splash Adventure, Dan Koch and his Mom Pat Koch also called “The General” have owned the park since 2014. This summer the Park received the largest expansion in history and had a record breaking season attendance. Alabama Splash Adventure has received a series of positive rankings over the years. The Rampage has been ranked as one of the 25 wooden coasters in the world. In 2017, Alabama Splash Adventure was chosen as one of the top five friendliest parks in the world by readers of Amusement Today, a national amusement industry news leader. The park was named as one of the best theme park values in the USA by MSN News.

Owner Dan Koch says “We will build upon these honors. We are definitely moving in the right direction. Thank you guests, team members and the great state of Alabama.” For more information, Contact Alabama Splash Adventure at 205-481-4750. Or visit www.alabamasplash.com or find them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.


  Article and picture courtesy of The Cutoff News: On Sunday, September 9, 2018, Canaan Baptist Church celebrated its 200th year in existence. The celebration started with a greeting for Alabama Baptist from Dr. Rick Lance, followed by a presentation from the Historical Commission from Dr. Lonette Berg. Pastor Morgan Bailey recognized the Bicentennial team. The multigenerational chair sang “Find Us Faithful” a song commissioned in celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Canaan Baptist Church. Then congregation singing Victory In Jesus. Pastor Morgan Bailey gave the Invocation, Welcome and Recognition of Special Guest. “Days Of Elijah” was sung by the Welcome Chorus and then the congregation sang “O The Blood Medley.” A special video of the history of the church was shown. Sandra Hunt presented a special song while the offering was taken.  Pastor Morgan introduced the special guest speaker Dennis Swanberg “America’s Minister of Encouragement.” Closing remarks were given by Pastor Morgan Bailey, and the benediction was given by Reverend Dr. Barry Cosper, Director of the Bessemer Baptist Association. There were two services at 8:00 AM, and 10:30 AM. The church celebrated its 200th Anniversary all year long with special events and then held a big celebration for their 200th Anniversary on September 9, 2018. Canaan Baptist Church was birthed on September 5, 1818, in a sparsely populated territory, which soon became America’s 22nd State, Alabama. Eighteen charter members led by Mr. John Henry, a licensed preacher from Tennessee, constituted the church. Meetings were held in homes for the first six years in the area now known as Jonesboro. The first church building was constructed in 1824 near the current entrance to Cedar Hill Cemetery where some early members are buried. It wasn’t until 1856 that land was given on which the church now stands. From its inception, Canaan was a missionary church by planting other churches and birthing associations. New churches helped congregants have a place of worship closer to their homes in a day when travel was difficult at best. Read more here:

The Bessemer Police Department is hosting events this month aimed at bridging the gap with our city’s youth and remembering the events of Sept. 11, 2001. The Police Department will host a Kids N’ Kops event on Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018 at the Bessemer Recreation Center, 100 14th Street South. The event will start at 10 a.m. and last until 2 p.m. Admission is free. There will be food, face-painting and games. The department will host a 9-11 Remembrance Ceremony on Tuesday, Sept. 11 at DeBardeleben Park. The event will start at 10 a.m.