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Economic Development, Featured, Government, Uncategorized, Upcoming Event

The city of Bessemer is seeking input from residents and businesses within a proposed Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area, or NRSA.
The Economic and Community Development Department conducted a virtual public meeting to provide Bessemer residents with information on the proposed NRSA on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 6 p.m. The meeting was conducted by the Community Development Department and ASK Development Solutions, Inc.
The city is preparing an application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, for a section of the city to be designated as an NRSA. An NRSA is described as a planning tool communities can use to target Community Development Block Grant, or CDBG funds, to a specific area. The designation is designed to address housing and economic opportunity needs for long-term community improvements. HUD gives communities flexibility in the use of grant funds within a designated NRSA. It is also a tool to attract and leverage private and other government funding.

Click the following  link to review the presentation:
Bessemer NRSA Presentation for Public Meeting
In addition, residents and businesses within the designated NRSA are encouraged to complete the attached survey, which can be found at the following link. The surveys will help identify needs and priorities within the designated NRSA boundaries:

Economic Development, Featured, Government, Uncategorized, Upcoming Event
As a recipient of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office (HUD), the City of Bessemer is planning to use a CDBG tool to support community revitalization. The city is proposing to submit a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) application to HUD for a defined target area within the city. If approved, the NRSA would provide additional affordable housing and economic opportunities and new and innovative ways to increase capital investments through leveraging the city’s CDBG funds and attracting other federal, state, and private funding. NRSAs can significantly impact communities by providing opportunities to construct new housing, expand home repair programs, improve neighborhood infrastructure, create new and retain existing jobs and businesses in the area.
The boundaries of the target area are 12th Avenue to the west, 22nd Street N to the south, Dartmouth Avenue to the east, and 35th Street N to the north.   Please check the City’s website for more information. Bessemer Community Development
We want to hear from you to help us identify needs, set priorities, develop activities, and direct funding. To receive your input, the city is planning our first virtual NRSA public meeting on March 29, 2022, starting at 6:00 pm Central Time.
Please click on the link below to go into the meeting. If you do not have a computer or smart phone, you can dial into the teleconference number provided below.
Join Zoom Meeting: City of Bessemer NRSA Public Meeting
Dial:301-715-8592 Enter Meeting ID: 885 6646 6401#
We look forward to your input!