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The city of Bessemer, Alabama is soliciting proposals from a qualified historic preservation firm, team or individual (“consultant”) to prepare a comprehensive resurvey of historic buildings, structures and sites within the Downtown Bessemer National Historic District. The city plans to use this survey to update the boundaries of the Downtown Bessemer National Historic District. It is the intent of the city to select a single consultant to accomplish all services outlined in this RFP.


A survey of the Bessemer Downtown Historic District was completed in 1992, identifying several properties of historic significance. The U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, designated Downtown Bessemer as a National Historic District during the same year due to its significance in the growth of Jefferson County and Alabama and the architectural distinction within the Downtown district.


The city wishes to update the Downtown Historic District, including historic sites and its boundaries. The selected firm will work with the city’s Economic and Community Development Department and the Bessemer Historical Preservation Commission on the project. Funding for the project will come from a combination of a grant from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service by way of the Alabama Historical Commission and city funds.


Consultants interested in receiving the full RFP package can do so by contacting Mr. Toraine Norris, Economic and Community Development Director, during normal business hours by calling 205-424-4060 or via email at tnorris@bessemeral.org. Deadline for proposal submission is noon on December 14, 2022.