Downtown Bessemer Opportunity Zone
The city’s downtown district, which includes the federally-recognized Downtown Historic District, has been designated as an Opportunity Zone by the United States Department of TreasurySmall Business Development
Bessemer ranks as one of the top cities in Alabama to start a small business according to Wallethub.Our city uses Community Development Block Grant funds and partnerships with local agencies to assist small business start-ups. Some of the areas where we assist small business are through an economic development loan program and through a façade grant program aimed at renovating buildings and storefronts in the historic district.SMB Development Tools
Economic Development Loan Program
The Economic Development Loan Program provides for business retention, expansion and recruitment for the City with emphasis on historic commercial revitalization of the National Historic District
SMB Development Tools
Downtown Historic District Façade Grant Program
The Historic Facade Program is designed to provide grants to commercial property owners in the National Historic business district for commercial property on the National Historic register